Professional Learning and Ethical Practice

Professional Learning and Ethical Practice is the ninth standard of InTASC. This standard guides the teacher to keep abreast of professional development classes that will meet their pedagogical needs. The teacher will also benefit from being a member of professional organizations to be in the know of the latest trends within the education field and to provide extra protection for themselves with a backing of a reliable support system. Evaluating their performance within the classroom, the teacher ensures that they can make the needed changes to stay abreast of the current methods in the class. The teacher needs to have the most date with the necessary skills to ensure that the students are safe and protected at school.  The importance of this standard is to ensure that the teacher can use these tools to help expand on their prior knowledge and share what they learn with the students.


Joining a professional organization allows teachers the chance to meet with others who share the same belief in the education system. An organization such as the National Education Association (NEA) provides members with the strength of many voices instead of just one.

Kappa Delta Pi   

It would benefit the teacher to be in more than one educational association. Kappa Delta Pi is an International Honor Society for Education that a teacher is invited to by their educational success in college.  This society provides weekly forums that an educator can participate in and also different research materials to provide further insight into the educational realm.


Teachers are now required to have CPR certification from the American Red Cross or American Heart Association in the state of Virginia.  Teachers are also required to go through an online Child Abuse Training and Dyslexia Training assessment.  These different certifications and assessments assist with providing the students with educators that have the student’s overall well-being in mind.