Learning Environment

Standard three of the InTASC states that the teacher must provide an atmosphere that is safe and inviting for all learners.  By showing the students that they are as important as everyone in the classroom will give more reinforcement to the establishment of teamwork.  I will establish this teamwork by having a classroom management plan that will start at the beginning of the school year.  Taking time at the beginning of the school year to gather information from the students through an interview process, either written or verbal, will provide me with details that I can incorporate to make the students feel safe and at home. Creating classroom jobs that will allow the student to have a responsibility and an enthusiastic approach to being a team will create a respectful classroom.

Classroom Management Plan

The teacher will provide a classroom management plan that will include procedures and rules for the students.  As the teacher will start with set rules, within the first month of school, the students and teacher will establish a couple of classroom rules together.  These rules can be adjusted throughout the school year as needed.  The procedures will provide a routine and safe guide as to where materials will go and be stored, and also how the class will run daily.  The classroom management will allow the students to take responsibility for their supplies and classroom and make the environment feel like a safe space for the students.

Mrs. Grove student interview

The teacher will establish a personal relationship by conducting interviews with the students. The interview can be done in a simple form to send home with lower elementary students or by performing a quick meeting with each student to learn just a little something extra about them so that the teacher can relate better with the students. By allowing the teacher to acquire knowledge about the student’s likes and dislikes, this will enable a connection to the students and assist with planning for lessons for the students.  It will also allow the learner to provide the teacher with what name to use, whether legal or a nickname.

Classroom Jobs

All learners like to be needed, and they want to belong, so the teacher will establish student jobs and rotate weekly so that all can share and have a chance to experience the job more than just a day.  Classroom jobs will build responsibility for the classroom. These classroom jobs provide each learner the ability to learn about different job skills and to instill a pride of ownership within their class.  Students will take that pride in giving a good example for their classmates and work hard at making sure that they follow the guidelines to contribute to the class as a whole.