Content Knowledge

This fourth InTASC standard secures that the teacher is knowledgeable within their subject matter and grade-level. As a professional, the teacher must be prepared to provide the correct leadership for the students that they will be teaching. As learning is not static, the teacher must continually stay abreast of the trends within the educational field by attending professional development and training.  The PRAXIS, VCLA, and RVE are specific tests that all elementary teachers must pass to obtain a license, as they are relevant to the material that teachers will be required to teach within the classroom.

Core Math and PRAXIS II

The teacher will demonstrate proficiency within the four subjects of math, social studies, reading and language arts, and science by taking the PRAXIS II.  The teacher will exhibit knowledge of elementary math by successfully passing the Core Academic Skills for Mathematical Educators.  These tests are indicative of what teachers need to know to teach elementary education within the state of Virginia.  These comprehensive tests provide an insight into the different subjects that a teacher must be familiar with to teach at the elementary level.



All Virginia teachers must pass the Virginia Communication and Literacy Assessment (VCLA) to demonstrate proficiency in literacy and communication skills.  These skills are critical at a time when students need to know how to read and write to succeed in their educational dreams.


Reading for Virginia Educators

The Reading for Virginia Educators (RVE) test is a requirement for teaching elementary education within the state of Virginia. This test furthers tests the proficiency of reading and literacy of the teacher for the elementary school level.  This test provides further testing with the proximal development of the student and the needed tools for the teacher to guide with this critical area of growth for the student.